Growing mint and dandelion

Some of you know that I like black tee, sometimes with mint. But buying good looking fresh mint is challenging. Obvious solution is to try to grow it myself. It also appeared to be not a trivial task as seeds are dust-like and quite hard to germinate. It was also hard to not forget to water it without auto-watering :-) Final result is pleasing:

Also I've planted dandelion (taraxacum) - but it might take a while more until it flowers. It was unexpected that literally no one sells seeds of dandelion in Russia - had to get it from Great Britain.

I've also shoot timelapse video of plants growth : first part is 40'000x realtime (2 weeks in 28 seconds, there is no wind there - it's natural plant movement during growth), second part is 6'000x realtime (during daylight movement is much faster as sun moves around):

October 18, 2016