Checked further 50 metro tickets
Today I've "opened" further 50 Moscow metro tickets. I was looking for RFID chips made by Sitronics-Mikron.Unfortunately, no luck yet, all chips made by NXP. Total number of tickets checked - 90.
Update: Finished 19 remaining ones, now 109 total.
Update: +13, 122 total.
Update: 11'th January 2013 +10, 132 total.
Update: 20'th January 2013 +15, 147 total.
Update: 2'nd of February 2013 +1, new package design, 148 total.
Update: 8'th of February 2013 +18, 166 total. 6 of these were designed and manufactured by Mikron - finally a success! Here are there photos.