That was my second visit to the USA. This time it was again at Silicon Valley, California.We’ve lived and worked at Cupertino city for 5 weeks. At the weekends we usually visited some interesting places like national parks, ocean, shops

The beginning

Road to Minsk isn’t short...

Wow! There is Free WiFi internet at the Minsk airport.

When we entered USA, my bag was delayed by the security. They’ve delivered it a day after.

Here is my work place :-)

Lots of money

The sky...

Imperialistic flowers

Got rake?

American shop

American Kids

Streets of Santa-Clara at night. We’ve noticed here some vivid hobo’s

It appeared, that I don’t like Susi :-)

Not so much money as it was before

American sunset


Ocean again

Ocean bird

It’s too far from home...
The middle

Ready for the pool!

Jacuzzi – not the worst thing in the world

The moment of truth

This is the first WiFi hotspot with WPA encrypting that I’ve tuned

Determining the range of our hot-spot. At this point signal is almost 0, but we need extra 70 meters

We’ve tuned cable interned. Nice speed. The record is 1.1Mb/sec

I’m the man

I’ve failed to make popcorn

Successful :-)

Matrix has you!

We are at our way to the “Red woods” national park.

Tree roots

Sphere-like moss

I’m on the tree

I’m in the tree

We are at the Night Club

Hmm… Why they placed it here?

San-Jose at night

I don’t like Thailand kitchen too.

The sky...
My way to home 


The real American Kefir

I’ve got a piece of Apple

Me vs Many-many servers

The real, licensed Windows!

Full pockets of money

Playing XBox 360

I am torturing salesman with my coins

What’s wrong with this

Nice toy. I’ve bought 4 boxes.

We are at Frankfurt. Almost at home. :-)